It’s Here. Valentine.

Back for 2025, I’ve got Electric Fencer Valentines! Whether you’re bringing a little thunder to your day, want to be cooler than cool, or turn up the heat with some fiery romance, they’re perfect for wowing that special guy or gal.

Still working on Page 4-32. It’ll drop soon!

Father Knows Best

At long last, Page 4-27 is up, and we’re finally nearing the end of Issue 4. Ronan has had one hell of a day and while it can be argued that he’s earned a smoke and a beer, perhaps succumbing to his vices isn’t the best way to cap off the day. Also, we get to see Pop again, who hasn’t made an appearance in the comic in nearly three years.

That’s actually wild as hell to think about when you consider the content of Issues 2 through 4 thus far only cover the space of a day.

Job situation changed once again and it looks like I’ll be going back down to eight hour shifts at work—and working from home—so going into the new year, I’ll have time to work on the comic again. As always, if you’ve been following along up to this point, thanks for reading!

Odyssey, ya see?

Page 4-26 is finally up and our grand adventure is almost underway!

Sorry that these have been taking so long to roll out as of late! Life got a little hectic again and I had some commissions to work on, plus with the end of the year looming, the job situation has changed again, so I’ve had less time to do comic things. Them’s the breaks, though 🤷‍♂️

Page 4-27 will be worked on once I get through the next couple of commissions!

Ready? Say “Fuzzy Pickles!”

4-22 is up, and we have a visitor! Can’t hold the cameraman up too long. He has psychic adventurers to document.

ETA on 4-23 is in the air at the moment as I have some things to take care of, but I’ll keep you all posted.

I should probably also take this time to announce that unlike previous issues, this one is going to run a little bit longer than before. If you recall, the plan was originally that Issue 3 would be 24 pages long. Then rewriting the issue for pacing led to making Issue 3 run for about 36 pages. Then that went bust and I split the chapter into Issues 3 and 4. We accomplished everything we wanted to do in Issue 3 in 24 pages, but didn’t hit that mark for Issue 4. In fact, we overshot it. Issue 4 will actually be 32 pages long! Don’t worry, this time I won’t chicken out and split the issue again. To be honest, that’s not really a feasible solution this time around, especially since I want Issue 5 to cover completely new content.

Work obligations have made getting the comic done a bit rougher than in the past, but we’re gonna make it through this 😤

Sort of a Two-fer?

Page 4-17 is now up, but also, I completely forgot to post that Page 4-16 also went up last week 😬

4-18 will be going up next week, though I do have a bit of frustrating news to share…There may or may not be a hiatus in the coming weeks due to how bad this summer has been for comic creation. I’ll try to stave it off for as long as I can, and even try to get multiple pages done to have a steady stream of content. Apologies in advance!

I’ve taken on a lot of new responsibilities at work, so this aspect of my life has taken something of a hit, but we’ll see things through.

Customer Service with a Smile

On page 4-13, we get to see Ronan smiling! Don’t count on this being a regular occurrence.

Things have been a little shaky as of late. I got sick again and that’s made it next to impossible to do anything. Balls.

Well, I’m on the tail end of it, so here’s hoping next week proves a little more productive ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Detailed, Semi-Realistic Anime Food

Page 4-12, in which I wanted an excuse to draw anime food. A nice way to cap off Elliott nursing a slice of cake for 12 weeks.

There have been some weird outages on the site as of late, but we’re working on a solution to that. Sincerest apologies if you’ve been trying to visit the site lately and it’s been down 🙇‍♂️

Also, I’d like to take this time to thank everyone who not only reads Electric Fencer, but goes the extra mile to react to or leave comments on their favorite pages. Things have been really hectic as of late with my day job situation being in flux, among other things, so checking in to respond to or upvote messages has been the the little kick of dopamine I needed to tell me that we’ve still got a good thing going here. Thanks!

Chancla Attack!

Generations of children the world over, both in-universe and in the real world, know the terror that is a flying slipper to the head. Lance’s PTSD on Page 4-11 is a testament to that!

Sorry this went up a little late. I’ve been working on new art for the site all day as well as dealing with some household errands. But here it is! Things should be moving a bit more optimally come next week.