Sort of a Two-fer?

Page 4-17 is now up, but also, I completely forgot to post that Page 4-16 also went up last week 😬

4-18 will be going up next week, though I do have a bit of frustrating news to share…There may or may not be a hiatus in the coming weeks due to how bad this summer has been for comic creation. I’ll try to stave it off for as long as I can, and even try to get multiple pages done to have a steady stream of content. Apologies in advance!

I’ve taken on a lot of new responsibilities at work, so this aspect of my life has taken something of a hit, but we’ll see things through.

Action Movie Shot

The blog post is a bit late, but Page 3-14 is live, and it’s time for an action movie shot! Does massive green lightning work as an explosion?

While I have your attention, as part of the first update of the year, I come bearing gifts! Previews from Issue 4!

These come from a brief flashback Lance is experiencing during Issue 4. We get to see a little bit of Lance’s family life! They don’t really spoil anything, so I thought these would be a great way to show off how things are going. Until next time!

Bringing Home a Boot Heel to the Head for the Holidays

The post is late, but the comic sure wasn’t. Page 3-13 went up on Wednesday! Lee sure brought her A-game.

As is the norm around here, except for that hiatus last year, we kept up posting during the holidays. Hope you had a great holiday season! This will be the last post for Electric Fencer for 2023. We’ll be back in 2024 (in like, a week, at our usual time) for the next installment of Electric Fencer!

Story Content Done

Actual story work on Issue 3 has been completed and all that’s left to work on is the cover. Here’s a little something to give you an idea of how I’m going to approach it. Really looking forward to seeing how the final product will turn out 👀

Once the cover has been updated, the placeholder image for it in the bookshelf will be replaced accordingly.

Also, with regards to posting times for the comic going forward, we’re considering having the comic show up later in the day as opposed to early morning. Maybe around 5:00 EST/GMT-5?

It’s Like Cosmic Background Radiation

Except it’s neither cosmic, nor is it radiation.

A lot’s been happening with the comic in the background (and that’s the part that’s relevant!) as of late and for those of you still reading, I’ve figured that instead of simply telling you about it, I should probably show you:

There are still a lot of warm colors and outlines, but now I’ve also opted for punchier colors and hatch shading, giving the visuals some volume while also cutting down on how long it takes to illustrate each page. Ironically, with the time saved, I’ve started going in on more diverse and flashier visual effects, so it’s still taking me some time to get Issue 3 done. Currently, the plan is still for this to be a 36-page issue, but I’m considering posting again once I’m about halfway through the issue and posting one page a week, giving me time to finish the remaining pages, while also scheduling them to go up as they are completed.

It’s been nearly a year since Issue 2 finished, but I feel that the time taken to go back and reevaluate the direction I was going with Issue 3 was definitely the best call, as this really gave me the opportunity flesh out the pacing a lot more and give everyone a chance to really shine.

I’ll be back with another update soon…ish, but until then, please enjoy the new screens!